Friday, March 25, 2016

Pinterest Interest- DIY Marbeled mugs

Yep! Spring is here.  I love Spring because in my life Spring means D.I.Y. season begins!  My "DIY season" is Spring through late Fall.  As long as the weather is nice I am in the mood for creating!! I love creating! And it's perfect timing because I have just added a new addition to my blog called Pinterest Interest!  It's where I marry two of my favorite things..Pinterest and DIY-ing.  The idea is for me to take you along on my Pinterest journeys.  Some of these will be vlogs so you can subscribe to my YouTube page so that you get alerted when I post something new. Well let's get started with my first project of the year. Marbeled mugs!!

I found this cool idea on Pinterest sometime last year and could not wait to do it.  For one, I have loads of nail polish that I no longer use but didn't want to just throw away and two I loved the idea that I could drink my morning coffee from a designer (me of course) coffee mug made by Yours Truly!  Trust me you will be making these before the end of the week! Check out the video here and get to creating!

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