Monday, February 2, 2015

New Year! New You!!!

So here we are again. It’s a New Year! We are one month in and by now most of us have come up with are and already have at least 3 to 5 New Year’s resolutions in motion.  And I’ll be the first to admit that most of them are repeats from last year. I’ll start it off with one of the most common…..lose weight!!! That HAS to have made it on most people’s list at least once. I know for me it’s made the cut at least twice! I was sitting around about a couple of weeks ago reflecting on this past year. While I’m pretty pleased with how my year turned out I’ve decided to take a new route this year with my resolutions and focus more on the inside. My heart, my mind, my soul.  I want to build a stronger me internally, spiritually, mentally. It’s really easy to get caught up in the day to day routine of our lives. From work, to family and back to work. A lot of times we mean to slow down long enough to actually do something meaningful and/or rewarding. Something to help someone who can’t help themselves or something that will balance out our at times chaotic lives.  I’ve come up with 3 simple but life-changing New Year, New You (internal) Resolutions!  So far so good. I’m one month in and still on track! Check out part 1 of my 3-part New Year, New Your resolutions!

  1. Meditate more.....the meaning of meditate is to engage in thought or contemplation; reflect.  There are many ways to meditate. Some pray. Others listen to soft music, sip on a cup of hot tea and just stay still and think.  Ultimately the goal is to be alone with your thoughts. For me, my meditation or prayer is first thing in the morning. There is nothing like starting your day off in a good space; a positive, encouraging mindset. It makes a world of difference.  It's much better than waking up, snoozing your alarm and spending the rest of the day rushing around trying to make up the time you snoozed. When you meditate you want to reflect on the good in your life. The positive . Meditate on things that you have overcome. Meditate on the blessings you've received. The beauty that is in your life. I currently meditate throughout my days so that part of the resolution I have down it's the getting up early enough and starting everyday with it that I want to add to my daily routine.  So my first resolution will be to meditate each morning. Start my day with a cup of Mo(tivation)! Get it, cup of Mo (instead of Joe, corny I know). 

  2. Come back and visit for Part 2: Forgive more (forgive faster), do it for you!

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