Wednesday, June 1, 2016

These 3 steps (and a few bucks) are guaranteed to transform your pantry from drab to fab in less than an hour!

I'm in the midst of Spring cleaning.  I have been for about a month now.  I started with the purging the kid's closet of old toys and out grown clothes.  Then I moved to my closet and rid it over items that were either outdated or no longer the right size for me.  Well this past weekend was a 3 day weekend so I couldn't miss the opportunity to have an extra day to clean so and this weekend's project was my dreadful, blah, color-less, boring, unorganized kitchen pantry. Once upon a time I had a semi-organized system to it however that system was short lived.  I decided that it wasn't going to clean or organize itself so it was now or never!  And to be honest it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Here are the three ways to attack your kitchen pantry and beautify it in less than an hour

Decide to do it.....then do it
Half the battle is mental.  It really is.  I mean your pantry is something you visit a few times a day.  There is not a day that goes by that you don't see the eye sore that is your pantry.  Whether it's messy and unorganized or very organized and just flat out boring.  For me I said enough was enough.  I was tired of searching every inch of my pantry for items that I knew were there but were lost and out of place.  I needed organization.  It got to the point where I hated going in it.  The thought of just opening it was a tad stressful. LOL I needed to decide to just do it.  I had to identify the problem and just do it.  Nope I didn't feel like it but I knew it needed to get done. 

It's about doing what you know needs to be done even if you don't feel like it

Come up with a detailed plan
Your goal here is to get a plan and implement!  I challenge you to do your homework.  Go online and find an inspiration.  Something that will excite you to get the job started.  I knew I wanted a new look.  I knew I wanted color and I knew I wanted bins for storage.  I also knew I didn't want to spend a whole lot of money to get it all done.  I decided to use what I already had around the house first.  So I used the existing baskets but painted them red and metallic to give my pantry a little tude.  I had the paint lying around but you can get a can for less than $5 at Lowes or Home depot.  Then I went to my favorite Dollar Store to see what they had as far as storage was concerned.  I struck gold!  They had these brown, cloth bins for a buck!  They fit my shelves perfectly!  I used one for our aprons, one for sugar and flour and the last one for the kid's lunch bags.

Having a detailed plan makes your goal a tad easier.  It gives your project guidance. 

Start from scratch 
Empty it aaaaall out.  Yes everything.  As if it were the first day you moved in.  Start fresh.  You need a blank space to visualize your dream pantry.  Chances are everything won't make it back in and this is a good thing.  This is where you figure out what you really need and what you can get rid of.  It also helps you decide the best way to go about organizing.  If you don't clear it all out you will end up back where you started very quickly.  You'd be surprised what you find.  I found a box of taco shells with only two (stale) shells in it and a few seasoning packs that I forgot I even bought.  They were hiding beneath a box of sliced almonds that I also forgot I bought.  When you clear out your pantry make sure you have a bag for items to donate, a bag for trash and a place to put things that will be going back in.

And here is my great reveal!

You have to see this side by side!

These are the three ways I went about giving my pantry a face lift for next to nothing.  I literally spent an hour, a can of paint and $4 on the bins total and now opening my pantry feels like Christimas!

P.S I've been collecting those wine bottle for quite some time now.  They are for a really cool D.I.Y. coming your way soon. (so no judging lol)

You may also enjoy 5 Reasons it's CRUCIAl to Declutter and tips on how to do it!

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