We are on Spring Break!!! I have taken off the week and will be making memories with my children this entire week. In the spirit of Spring Break this month I want to share with you a diary I kept a couple of years ago when the children were spending Spring Break with their Grandparents. I mean no children, just us?! The Hubs and I decided to do all of the things we couldn't usually do and this is the beginning of 'Diary of a Childless Spring Break'. There are lots of laughs and some surprises. Let's dive right on in! Enjoy
Day 1: Dance with Me..
As we drove away I felt nothing. I didn't know how to feel. Happy? Sad? Excited? Depressed? Guilty? I didn't know how to feel so I felt nothing. Then it happened....A flicker of something. I smiled and realized for the first time we are about to be home for the next 5 days kid-free! What are we going to do with our time? Where do we even start? No we weren't going on a kid-free vacation (we’ve done that). But we are about to experience being in our own home just the two of us for the first time in almost 7 years and boy do we have plans for us. First plan on the agenda was a friend’s evening wedding in t minus 5 hours. It took us about 4 and a half hours to get home so we had about 30 minutes to get ready and be there. And guess what? We made it! I was only responsible for MY clothes. I didn’t have the honor of picking out 4 different outfits (including my own). Or searching for six shoes of which usually are in 6 different places. I wasn’t racing around playing ref and kissing boo boos of a child that ran into the wall running from a sibling who decided to play Power rangers instead of getting dressed like mommy nicely asked. I was able to rush in, get myself together and rush out. Wait, let me correct that. I did find myself ironing hubby’s clothes while he shaved. Off we were on a snack-less, diaper-less, wipey-less trip to a friend’s wedding. I was even able to carry a clutch with only MY stuff in it. I think i’m going to enjoy this! So there we were eating and laughing it up. I made one plate and...wait let me go back. I found myself making two plates (made hubby’s while he saved our seats). lol Hmm i’m starting to see a pattern here. Anyways getting food was the smoothest it has been in a while. I got in line ONCE! I didn't have the honor of making two plates and then two more. I was in and out. I know i know what’s the big deal right? well the big deal is when you stand in line to make two plates (because balancing four is just asking for an accident) and then stand in line again to make another two, by the time you make your own the food is either gone or cold so you end up scraping what is left (if any) and grabbing a snack on the way home. I didn’t have to do this and it felt great. After we ate we danced the night away. When I say dance I mean dance. We both love to dance and i think we are pretty good if I do say so myself. We danced fast, slow, crazily. We didn’t care how we were dancing. It was Travis and I in our own world for a few minutes. No tugs of a sweet someone needing to go to the bathroom. No glances away to make sure someone else wasn’t jumping off of the top of a table. Just us gazing in one another’s eyes. As the night ended we got in our car and hubby asked me what I wanted to do next (mind you it is about a quarter to midnight. By this time we are usually sleep and have been for a good 2 and a half to three hours. We flirted with the idea of going to my sister’s house but ended up going home and watching a movie )or should i say letting the movie watch us). What a great start to our week!!
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