So as part of my challenge I decided to cut out bread. Just to force myself to explore other options which brings me to this Pinterest Interest! I found this Sweet Potato toast on Pinterest and decided to try it.
Initially I was a little skeptical. First of all it can't be THAT easy to make sweet potatoes! There is noooo way I can pop a slice of sweet potato in my toaster and just like that it's done. Welp guys it was true and super easy! I sliced my potatoes about the size they recommend (1/4 inch) and popped it right in. They mention that it took them only about twice to get it cooked through however I somehow missed the part where they said to put the setting on high. I had my toaster set on medium and it took me at least three times. Now I did try it again with my setting aaaaaall the way to the right (the highest it can go) and that did it! So make sure it is set to high.
To make sure it was done I just bit off a small piece. I decided to go with the banana and peanut butter since I was having mine for breakfast. You guys it was so freaking good. The peanut butter melted just a tad and the banana and cinnamon was like the cherry on top! You are not going to believe how easy and full of flavor it is. Mine wasn't as pretty (actually not pretty at all) but it still tasted wonderful!
This one will definitely be a staple for me on my journey of healthier eating. Maybe I'll try the avocado one next!!
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