Wednesday, July 13, 2016

5 ways to make the next 12 months of your life count!

Explore insightful quotes from creative spirits such as Leonard Cohen, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, John Steinbeck, T.S. Eliot, Pat Conroy, and others at You know how you get those memories on Facebook that shows posts you posted on that day a year or two ago? (for example july 4th two years ago).  Sometimes it’s a picture, other times something you shared or just typed.  Well last week a memory of mine came up.  It was a selfie I had taken shortly after I cut the remainder of my relaxer off and went completely natural. I was in New York visiting my big brother.  I couldn’t believe how short my hair was and how much it had grown in only a year.  I’m not talking just an inch or so.  I actually took a ruler and measured it.  To my surprise my hair had grown a good 8 inches.  The longest part of my hair was about ten inches and the shortest about 8. 

My first thought was, “Wow my hair was sooo short” my next and louder thought was “that was just a year ago??? It seemed like just yesterday!” 

Before I knew it my mind was all over the place.  What a difference a year makes.  Man, a year really isn’t that long.

 When I was younger I thought a year was a super long time but as an adult I know that it’s here and gone.  If I can grow my hair 8-10 inches in just a year what else can I do in a year?!  

Now, I didn’t just think hard and make my hair grow.  No, I had to take certain steps.  I came up with a plan and followed through. 

 Like anything in life that you want to accomplish you have to put forth effort and sacrifice. 

My effort was making sure to use hair products that did not include sulfates or alcohol.  I also never used heat on my hair.  The sacrifice was taking out the time to style it a certain way so that the next day it was presentable (twist outs, braid outs etc).  When I had a relaxer all I had to do was wrap it and I was done.

I decided to create a list of 5 things that can be done in a year with just a little focus and determination! I've also added quotes that help to drive some of my points home. 

Open (and manage) a Savings account- the first step is opening it.  Even if at the time you don't have much to deposit, I find that making the first step is sometimes all you need to go forward.  Set a certain goal.  Whether it's monthly, weekly or every two weeks.  The goal here is to save SOMETHING.
A good message for kids: "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving." - Warren Buffett:

Invest in something- The stock market can be tricky, but if you are educated and guided you can really come out on top.  Make a small investment and keep a close eye on it.  I once heard on a radio show that the best place to invest is where you actively spend your money.  For example, if you spend a lot of money at Target or only use a certain brand why not explore that company to invest in?  I'm not an expert in investing but in the next year I plan to be.

Start a vacation fund- if you aren't in the vacation pics being posted on social media then you aren't relaxing enough to the level you need to be!  I know, I know, it can be expensive.  Trust me, I haven't taken a REAL vacation in over ten years so I’m speaking to myself here.  This one sort of goes hand in hand with the previous item. 
You weren't born to just pay bills and die.:

 When you think about it, there are enough affordable trips that if you we really make it a focused effort you can take at least one a year!  

Now, this vacation fund is NOT the same as the savings account.  It is strictly for you to take vacation.  Don’t dip in the savings account for vacations!  STAY focused. WE can do this.  You can start off with a small vacation.  Go on Groupon Getaways or Living Social.  They always have great deals. This will ensure the money you save is stretched and used wisely!

Complete a home project that you have been needing to do Let's be honest this has everything to do with procrastination and nothing to do with "you don't have time".  You know how I know this is true?  Because I am sooooo guilty.  My big project was decluttering our condo.  Room by room I needed to really get rid of items I was either saving to giveaway "one day" or items that we literally had no use for anymore.  This Spring I decided to just start. Yes, I am tired after work and dinner but I also grew tired of the clutter.  And so began project Declutter.  

Whatever your project is may take time but the secret is doing it little by little. 

Remember we are talking about a year here.  So maybe commit to an hour each weekend.  You may not need a year for smaller projects, like a closet but for something much bigger like cleaning out and organizing the garage or basement you will. Like Nike says, JUST DO IT!
Dont wait. The time will never be just right. ~Mark Twain #Inspiyr:
Learn a new skill/take a class- what can take you to the next level in life?  Is one course standing between you and making more money professionally? Is there something you have always wanted to pursue?  Like I mentioned, a year is here and gone before you know it.  Let' say you have always wanted to learn to play an instrument.  A year of lessons can help you start that process. There are cooking classes, and learning another language.  Sit down and really think about something you've put on the back burner.  Even if it is something that will take longer than a year, after you complete the first year you are that much closer right?!

These are just a few things you can accomplish in a year or less.  The point here is that it can be done.  Just like my hair grew, so can your bank account, or skill level, or passport stamps!  Make it happen....what's a year?!

You may also enjoy: Saving fo real this time..9 Steps to help you become financially fancy!


  1. Love it and u are absolutely right I will start that vacation and savings account

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