So we're snowed in! Yep, for at least a few days. We are all stocked with food and water. Now what? I mean of course we are a part of the Netflix and Chill crew, that is happening. But there are a few ways to really make these snow days work for you.
Clean out that closet
You already knew it was going to be on the list so let's just get it over with. This is a perfect time to go through and pull out any items that are either too small, too big or you just flat out don't wear anymore. I mean let's be honest, if you haven't worn it in the last year or two you're just not that into it. What to do with the clothes?
Well if you want to get a little money setup an account with and get to selling! You can also plan a Sip and Swap with friends to exchange your items for items your friends are getting rid of. Like that cute blazer you love every time your girlfriend wears it! If "giving to charity" is a New Year's Resolution you can mark that off by finding a shelter to donate your unwanted clothing to.
Clean out that kitchen junk drawer
Hey it needs to be done so you may as well just do it. The only thing that has been stopping you is you haven't had the "time" so since that excuse isn't relevant during this lock-in just do it! LOL You'd be surprised what you find in there. Put down a sheet and just dump it out. Once you're done decide what needs to go back in. Try, if you can to make it a drawer with a purpose. For example, mine only needs to have a pair of scissors for opening packages when I cook, a couple of things to write with, takeout menus, batteries and maaaaaaybe lighters for my candles. Nothing else needs to go in there. Mine currently houses everything from empty Plug-ins, old bills, broken earphones, empty vanity kit box and a partridge in a pear tree. Just sad. I would say don't judge but go ahead, it's ridiculous.
Face-time or call old friends
And I don't mean on Facebook or Twitter. Actually call them. Have a conversation passed "WYD" or "HRU". It's easier to reach out via Social Media. I do it all the time. I like a picture or comment with my one word explains it all "beautiful!"As technology and social media are the very definition of communicating today it's always good to hear the voice or see the face of an old friend. It's more than just a picture they posted. It's laughing over memories or actually hearing them say I miss yous and I love yous. I recently called a friend that I've known since 8th grade. We laughed a lot but we also talked about things we had been going through or had gone through. That conversation turned into encouragement and a greatly missed sense of comfort that you can only get from your childhood friends. So charge your phone, and call (video chat would be even cooler) an old friend. Trust me there is a conversation waiting on the other end that will be more fulfilling that you plan.
Create your vision board ( can totally do this online)
Yes, vision board. I know, I know, what's the big deal?! It's like the latest "fad" and everyone is hopping on but this is a fad that will be worth the time. What is a Vision Board? Well in a nutshell it's you taking all that you want for yourself and making it into a visual statement. Have you ever heard of "writing the vision and making it plain" or "putting something out into the universe"? That's what it is. It is taking your life goals and placing them somewhere to be a visual reminder for you. My closest friends and I just created a rough draft this past weekend. I can't tell you how good it felt to say my goals out loud, hearing theirs and putting them down. We decided to add a place at the bottom for others (in the group) to give suggestions. We also allowed one another to piggy-back on our goals. For instance, I had a goal to complete something this year and my bestie pressed me for a specific time frame to complete it by.
There are a few ways you can go about creating your vision board. I believe the original most common way is to use poster board and old magazines. You go through the magazines and cut out pics that compliment or are an example of your goal. For example, if your goal this year is to buy a home, you'd cut a picture of a house and paste it to your board. If you plan on starting or finishing a degree you can use a picture of a college or even just books. Another way to go about creating your vision board is online. I found this one and like it so far. The premise is the same except you upload your pics instead of cutting them out. Having them online allows you to access them anywhere you are. Either way you decide to go about it the goal is to get it done and start working towards accomplishing them!
Try a new recipe
You probably have more than enough food to be able to cook something new. And you certainly have the time. Pinterest is a great place to find new recipes. It doesn't have to be a complicated dish. Just something you have never cooked before or something that you have always wanted to cook. I love sauces. Told myself last year that I was going to start learning how to make different sauces. I even bought a book on sauces. Ask me if I have tried even one of those recipes. Nope! But I'm going to try one now. The perfect recipes for snow days would be chili or soups. Something to make you feel warm and cozy.
There you are! Five ways to make your snow days work for you. You may not be able to (or even feel like) do all of them but if you do at least one of them you've been productive! So when you're asked what you did during your snow days you can brag about how you cleaned your closet, cooked a new meal and spoke to an old friend! Stay warm!
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