In preparing for my upcoming event I completely forgot to post the most important day of my mini series! The final day! I call it the calm before the storm. lol I think you'll be surprised at my final thoughts at the end of our Childless Spring Break. ENJOY (and that you for reading).
It’s here, it’s here! It’s Thursday! My babies are on the way back! I am super excited and I’m sure they are too (well I hope they are)! It has been an interesting week without them. We had the freedom to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted and however we wanted to. I didn’t cook a meal. I woke up on my own. We went on dates. We didn’t have to rush straight home after to work to pick them up from daycare. I didn’t have to break up any fights. I didn’t have to repeat myself a thousand times. I didn’t watch anything animated. I didn’t have to search for shoes or blankies. I didn’t have to change a diaper or give a bath. Although I didn’t have to do any of these things and were able to do others I wouldn’t trade my life with the kids for anything. All of those things are what make us “US”. I love my alarm clock every morning. It’s the soft, sweet voice of my daughter asking if she can watch Netflix on my phone (the answer is usually just me pulling her into bed to snuggle). Just minutes later after I snooze back to sleep my second alarm wakes me. My little ninja sprints (or should I say stomps) from his room to ours and hops up on the bed. Most of the time he snugs with me. What a way to wake up. Although I didn’t cook a meal this week I absolutely looooooove cooking and sort of dare I say missed it. I missed hearing my little ones rave about how I am the “best cook ever!” I missed sitting at the table as a family (we do every night), listening to our Jazz music and playing “this animal has...” (guessing game we made up). Yes we got to go out to eat whenever we wanted but boy did that add up. If we were to eat like that all of the time we’d hemorrhage money like nobody’s business. It’s nice as a treat but not all of the time. There is something about about making your own meals and sitting down and eating it. It’s rewarding. No i didn't’ have to vacuum after dinner from food being dropped but you know what? The kids are starting to ask if they can do it and who am I to stop them. I love seeing their little faces focus so hard on making sure they vacuum every piece they can. One thing I missed most was our weekly family movie night. Every Friday we pick a movie (sometimes animated but not as of lately), the kids bring their blankets and every stuffed animal they own and dump in in the middle of the living room. The princess always announces “Lights off!” and the next 2 hours is spent cuddling, laughing, eating snacks and just enjoying one another. This definitely has been a bittersweet week. While I absolutely loooooved dating my husband for a week straight I am glad to have my babies back.
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