Thursday, June 4, 2015

TBT: Working Out Physically and Mentally

This week's TBT is a blog post from just under a year ago.  While it was a while ago, it still holds true for me today.  Hopefully it helps you to look at working out from a different perspective. ENJOY!

TBT (previously posted June 2014).
Working out.  For some it's something they read about on the cover of a fitness magazine while waiting in line to check out at the grocery store with a basket full of chips and cookies. lol  For others it's nothing more than a New Year's resolution. Some people can just hop up and jog miles and miles without thinking twice about it. Then there are those (like me) that have to talk themselves into it.  I think like a lot of things in life, working out is what you make it. You can either dread it and spend time talking about how much you hate and despise it or you can make it something that works for you.

During a jog last week it came to me that for me personally working out is  a time of meditation. So for me getting up first thing in the morning and jogging works.  It works because my mind is clear.  The morning air is fresh and the only sounds I hear are the chirping of the birds (I tell myself they are saying good morning to me). Lol I set my music to play songs and I meditate. I jog but barely notice it because I'm using that time to reflect on what I'm grateful for. I'm listening to the encouraging words of the songs and I'm thanking God for life. I'm thinking of my children and my dreams. I'm smiling at how blessed I am to have such a great family. Song after song I'm getting more and more consumed with this great, positive energy.  That energy masks the pain I feel in my body from jogging. Yes the pain is there but I'm so busy reflecting on my life that I don't feel it as much as I would if I were just waiting for my jog to be over.

Making your workout work for you is like getting two for one. On the one hand you are getting the exercise you need. You are giving your body what it needs. You are taking steps to having a healthier life physically. On the other hand you are exercising your spirit.  You are starting (or ending) your day off with mental exercise.

So try to change the way you look at working out. Make it more of a spiritual exercise and meditation.  Distract yourself with your thoughts and see how much it changes your experience.  For me it gives me excitement to get up the next morning and do it again!

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