Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thanking the small people

Customer service has got to be one of the most taxing jobs.  Not the physical work itself but the interactions with different people and different customer's personalities can really wear on you.  Especially if your customer had a little bit of a wait.  And don't let it be someone that is already running late AND have somewhere else to be.  By the time it's their turn in your line they are ready to give you a piece of their mind because apparently it is all your fault.  I know how this feels first hand.  I have been on the receiving end and let me tell you it is enough to make you just want to completely lose it.

I was recently in a waiting room with a pretty good amount of other people waiting for their turn.  It was not only crowded but it was pretty warm in there as well.  I found myself feeling bad for the young lady at the front desk.  It seems like everyone that went up had a little smart remark to say either to her or to someone else in earshot of her. Now if that were me, by the third smart remark I would have probably made an announcement to the entire room about how I'm doing the best I can and what time we opened the next morning if they needed to just come back.  I'd probably add how it's best to come early as possible to avoid the rush. That's me.  This young lady however, just ignored the comments and kept giving great customer service.  I had just bought a pack of blank thank you cards from Marshalls the day before that were still in my purse (for another purpose) and decided while I was waiting on my turn to write her a quick thank you note.  Nothing long just a quick note to let her know that I appreciated all of her help and that I hope she had a great rest of the day.

I got these blank cards for about $3 at Marshalls
When I gave it to her she was very appreciative and expressed how no one usually thanks her let alone gives her a card.  Something as small as a quick thank you card made a difference in this young lady's day.

If you think about it, anytime someone takes out the time to tell you that you are appreciated does nothing less than put a smile on your face.  So I want to challenge you this month to go grab yourself a pack of blank cards and carry them with you and while you are waiting in the waiting room write a note to the receptionist or person who will be helping you (I know this will be challenging at DMV, but you can do it) and just say thank you.  Thank them for helping you and tell them to enjoy the rest of their day.  You never know when someone needs to hear that.  We all need to feel appreciated.

Men, since most of you don't carry purses you can take a pack of blank business cards from somewhere like Staples or Walmart and write them out before leaving the house.  Stick them in your wallets and give them out as you wish.

Some people to thank:
Your mechanic
Cashier with a long line in front of you
Receptionist in a busy office
Person who made your coffee
Tow truck driver
Flight attendant

Places to find inexpensive blank cards:
TJ Maxx
You can make your own!

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