Monday, December 7, 2015

3 Apps that will change your life!

Here there multitaskers!  As a mother of three I feel like an octopus with 8 arms trying to keep everything together.  From grocery shopping and birthday parties to soccer practice and boy scouts. Not to mention field trips and teacher work days (those days off or half days always catch me by surprise). In our home something is always going on.  Since I don't have a personal assistant to help me I've found 3 apps that definitely make life easier for me.  Not only as a mother but as a "have a lot going on" woman!

1- Out of Milk (Grocery list and more!) 
I initially ran across this app looking for something to use for my grocery list.  This grocery list is like none other.  The features are very impressive.  To create your list you add each individual item in.  It then separates each item to the appropriate category.  For example eggs and milk would go to dairy while muffin mix would fall under Baking & Cooking.  Each item has its own options menu to the side giving you the opportunity to add in additional detail.  You can add the quantity needed and price (if you are watching your budget and hopefully you are).  It also has a box you can check if you have a coupon for that item. And get this, it totals up your entire list (well the items you entered prices for) INCLUDING THE COUPON DISCOUNT!?  LOL  Now you know that excites me.  So you can have your total before you even head to the store. Once you have that item in your basket you simply swipe across it and it scratches it off for you.  

A few other great features on this app are the Pantry List where you enter what you already have at home so that you aren't buying what you don't need, the Local Grocery Deals where you simply enter your zip code, select the stores you frequent and just like that it finds the deals and the location where the deal is!  There s also a To Do List where you add tasks you need to complete (you can set a reminder if you need to). 

2- Keepy (electronically filing kids art and memories)
Like any other proud parent I love when my children bring home their art from school.  But by the time they are in the third grade there are just way too many thanksgiving turkeys made from paper plates and definitely enough Christmas crafts to keep around without feeling like I'm drowning. That's when their cute little artwork just becomes too much to house.  If I could I would dedicate an entire room for their artwork but instead I found an app that will electronically save it and allow me to share it with grandparents and friends alike.  Keepy allows you to save artwork, photos taken, videos and more.  When you add in the date for your art it puts it in a category for you.  They have six categories total (birthday, playground, artwork, sports, outdoors and achievement).  Not only do they put it in a category for you but it also sorts by age.  For example if your child is 7 this year, all of last year's items will be under 'Age 6'.  Another really cool feature is that you can "add a fan" for those that would loves to get updates of your kids.  Perfect for out of town grandparents and other relatives/friends.  You simply click the add button and enter their name and email.

 Boom you are done.  They receive an email to accept the invite and you are in business! Going forward your fans will see everything you post.

3- Any.Do (literally my virtual Personal Assistant)
Last but not least THIS app here is what keeps it all together for me.  You know how on TV the personal assistant is always there to schedule and remind their boss of the goings on for the day.  I mean from the moment they wake up to when they end their day?  Well this app is that!  It's like getting a personal assistant that works for free. The dashboard is an overall look at what you have planned Today, Tomorrow, Upcoming and Someday.  You simply add the tasks for the day and it they are added to the schedule. You can go into each task and Set a Reminder, Add a Note (the additional notes can be a picture, video, voice note or a file attachment), Share and Delegate, and add Subtasks.  You can also add a location if you upgrade to the premium version.   The reminders pop up at the bottom of your screen where you can select 'Dismiss', Snooze , or 'Done'.   If you need to move a task to another day you just hold down on that task and move it to the appropriate day.  This App really does make busy days go a little smoother.    

I hope you get a chance to try at least one if not all three of these out!  Trust me you will not be disappointed.  Happy App-ing!!

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