Monday, October 10, 2016

Let's Chat 001 10/9/16

Thank you so much for tuning in if you watched the show!  Here are the deets on what we chatted about!  If you missed it, no worries.  

Pumpkin facial scrub recipe:
Pumpkin puree
Preheat oven on 350
Cut your pumpkin in half and cut off the stem
remove all of the insides (save the seeds for a healthy snack)
Cut your pumpkin into smaller sections and lay them on a baking pan with the inside facing up
Bake your pumpkin for 45 minutes (to check if it's done just poke with a fork)
let your pumpkin cool then cut the skin off
Put your pumpkin flesh into the blender (or food processor) and blend until all chunks are gone!

Mix the following ingredients together
1 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of coconut oil (for oily skin use jojoba oil)
3/4 cup of puree

Maintaining your Boo's beard!
What you will need:
An exfoliate
Face wash
leave in conditioner (non-sulfate)
Oil (i like to use coconut or castor oil)
Water bottle (unless you are doing this in the shower)
  1. Spray the beard with water (saturate)
  2. exfoliate in a circular motion to ensure you are getting all dry/dead skin up
  3. spray beard to rinse exfoliate out
  4. using the face wash give the beard an invigorating washing. use the tips of your fingers to add in a slight massage
  5. take spray bottle and rinse out the facial wash
  6. Apply leave in conditioner to entire beard. This is the step when you want to detangle with your finger tips
  7. Apply the oil all over.  This is to seal in the moisturizer and leave a nice natural shine.
  8. Finally groom the beard using your brush.  DONE! (I try to do this once a week.  (He brushes in daily)
Make sure the beard is moist during this entire process.
Breakfast Sandwich on the go in less than 2 mins!
Being a working mother of 3 and always on the go convenience is one major thing I need in my life.  I'm huge on making sure they get a good meal but I don't always the time to cook it so when I ran across these sandwiches I wasted no time making them.

What you will need:
Eggs (1 per sandwich you are making)
English muffin
Breakfast meat (optional)

Heat oven on 350
Grease your pan
Crack egg in each cup
Add seasoning and cheese
Pop it in the over for 10-13 mins (mine took 13)
Let cool completely before removing
Remove and cut in half long ways so the egg can cover the entire muffin
Add your meat and cheese
Individually wrap each sandwich with parchment paper and put them in a freezer bag
Freeze overnight
When you are ready to eat them be sure to un-wrap them and place on a microwave safe dish
Microwave for 2 minutes.

Additional suggestions:
veggie sandwich: mushrooms, feta, spinach
Meat lovers: Sausage AND ham
Egg white:  Separate yolk from white then add to pan

If you have a family that likes options, you can make a variety and label them. Make sure you jot the cook time on the label as well!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Six ways to guarantee you will accomplish your weekend projects!

One of the most important keys to Success... is having the discipline to DO what you know you should do, even when you don't feel like doing it.

Summer is halfway over and I still have a number of projects that I plan on completing.  The problem with those projects is they have been "weekend projects" for quite some time now.  Recently I decided that I needed to take a different approach if I was serious about getting them done.  Initially my approach was thinking "hmm I need to get that done this weekend". Yep that was it, LOL.  I kept my list in my brain and counted on myself to stick to it.  I failed miserably!  I now have a plan of attack and get's actually working!  Sticking to these will not only help you in getting your projects finished but may also free up time to just sit around and enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Unique Moss Art for $5 and 10 minutes

Saturdays are my favorite day of the week for lots of reasons but of the main reasons by far is because it's when I do most of my D.I. Y. projects.  I had a real itch to do a project this weekend but I wasn't in the mood for anything too fussy or too big.  As I was looking around in Marshalls I saw a bag of Moss and just like that I decided to do a moss art project.  Let me tell you this is one of the least expensive, quick projects I have done so far.  You are not going to believe how easy peezy this was.

My goal was to make it look like something I purchased out of a store.  Also I wanted it to make a set.  I grabbed two frames that I had previously purchased at the thrift store for $1.70 each, my glue gun and minutes later I was hanging it on my kitchen wall!

The best part of my moss art project is that I did it myself!  I didn't run into any issues whatsoever.  It was simple enough that I wouldn't mind doing it again.  I even hinted to my hubby that when we move into our home I'm going to make one of my accent walls into a moss wall.  I think it's called living art.  Whatever it's called, I'm here for it.  Enjoy the video and Happy D.I.Y.-ing!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

5 ways to make the next 12 months of your life count!

Explore insightful quotes from creative spirits such as Leonard Cohen, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, John Steinbeck, T.S. Eliot, Pat Conroy, and others at You know how you get those memories on Facebook that shows posts you posted on that day a year or two ago? (for example july 4th two years ago).  Sometimes it’s a picture, other times something you shared or just typed.  Well last week a memory of mine came up.  It was a selfie I had taken shortly after I cut the remainder of my relaxer off and went completely natural. I was in New York visiting my big brother.  I couldn’t believe how short my hair was and how much it had grown in only a year.  I’m not talking just an inch or so.  I actually took a ruler and measured it.  To my surprise my hair had grown a good 8 inches.  The longest part of my hair was about ten inches and the shortest about 8. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pinterest Interrest: Sweet Potato Toast?! my review here!

Ok so I am in the midst of a life challenge.  I just started it yesterday.  It covers all aspects of my lie including making healthier choices.  I hadn't realized it but I eat soooooo much bread.  I eat it with breakfast along side eggs (toast or english muffins) and I take a sandwich for lunch every day Monday through Friday.  I am literally eating like a loaf of bread by myself a week! Crazy right?! DId I mention it's swimsuit season?

So as part of my challenge I decided to cut out bread.  Just to force myself to explore other options which brings me to this Pinterest Interest!  I found this Sweet Potato toast on Pinterest and decided to try it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Day Wonder Woman had to take off her heels

I am a part of this group of about 8 people. We text one another every single day. Whether it's to announce good news, share pics of having a good time, saying I miss you, or encouraging one another we are always there.  Well this morning one of our group members asked us to pray for her because she's been feeling overwhelmed lately. I immediately responded.

"When you are feeling overwhelmed it's time to reevaluate everything you're doing"

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

These 3 steps (and a few bucks) are guaranteed to transform your pantry from drab to fab in less than an hour!

I'm in the midst of Spring cleaning.  I have been for about a month now.  I started with the purging the kid's closet of old toys and out grown clothes.  Then I moved to my closet and rid it over items that were either outdated or no longer the right size for me.  Well this past weekend was a 3 day weekend so I couldn't miss the opportunity to have an extra day to clean so and this weekend's project was my dreadful, blah, color-less, boring, unorganized kitchen pantry. Once upon a time I had a semi-organized system to it however that system was short lived.  I decided that it wasn't going to clean or organize itself so it was now or never!  And to be honest it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Here are the three ways to attack your kitchen pantry and beautify it in less than an hour