Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday Smiles!!!

It's simple as one, two...three! On Saturday I'll share with you 3 things that made me smile during the week. And you'll share yours on the Beautiful Us instagram page (here....) or Twitter! I will then choose three people and share their "smiles" on the blog! I will start it off and going forward share some of yours. I will be featuring them on Saturday's blog every week! 

Your "smiles" can be something as simple as seeing your kids snuggling on the couch while watching a movie, to your crush smiling your way to someone complimenting something you've been complaining about! Share your smiles with us! Everybody likes to smile! Ok so here are my first 3:

1. My 6 year old painted me a picture while she was in her "quiet time" (time out)! Turns out that even though I put her in time out she still loves me (if you look reeeeeeeally closely, it says so in the top right corner, lol).

2. A random woman on the train complimented my hair which i am transitioning from relaxed to natural. Hey everyone likes a compliment.

3. Hubby sent me a sweet text out of the blue.....he still gives me butterflies!

And just like that you smile! Maybe not on all 3 but hopefully one of them made you smile like they made me smile. Even if you said "Awwww" to yourself.   So SHARE....share your smiles!  Rumor around town is 'Smiling in contageous'.

(P.S. for those who will be sending their smiles please send them via email to

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