Friday, May 1, 2015

Diary of a Childless Spring Break...Day 4: Urgent Care...REALLY?!

I hope you've been enjoying my 'Diary of a Childless Spring Break' posts! I sure am. lol It's funny how when you journal, you kind of write for that day and leave it behind. Sort of like an 'on to the next one' mentality. What I'm realizing as I re-read what was written is that it can be healthy to go back and revisit old journal entries. For example, say you are going through a tough time with someone. Whether it is a spouse, parent or close friend and you decide to vent via journal. You then move on and get through that moment and are in a better place. Well the day you decide to go back and read you see what you have made it through with this person and can appreciate the journey you have been on with this person. You see how upset or hurt or sad you were at that time and seeing that you have made it through can encourage you to keep going. On the flip side say you go back and read a number of entries and the commonality of them is someone continuing to bring you pain and hurt. It can be a person or even a job. Your journal can be an eye-opener and help you realize you need to move on. Re-reading my '...Spring Break' entries have made me smile, laugh and warmed my heart. While I already appreciate my family I see in them that my husband and I both take every moment we can to spend our free time together. I could have taken that time to go shopping by myself or hang out with my friends and sisters. He could have chosen to catch up on his video gaming or lay around and watch movies all day. But both of our goals was to spend that time with one another. Seeing that speaks volumes and for that I am grateful. OK enough about me! Enjoy Day 4!!!
Today is pretty low-key. If you want to call starting the morning in urgent care low-key.  How is it that all 3 of my children are out of town and I STILL end up in a doctor’s office!? Ah the timing of things.  Apparently my ear canal was so red and swollen that the doctor couldn’t even see my eardrum.  What?  What’s that ma’am? I can’t hear you. lol So for the next 7 days I have to get 4 drops of antibiotics in my ear twice a day. I guess it could be worse. After my morning tea with the Doc, to work I went.  Work was work. After work Travis was planning on going to the gym for his Tuesday workout and I was planning to purge the kids room. It’s perfect that they are gone when you want to throw toys out.  They are not there to insist that they still play with the truck that is missing a wheel or the broken keyboard.  Before heading home we stopped by Walmart to grab a couple of things we needed including Chicken and Waffle chips. (I guess you’ve caught on to the fact that the kitchen is closed until they return).  Pizza Hut was our dinner of choice.  Homeward bound!  Ask me if Travis went to the gym? Take a wild guess!  Ask me if I even went to the kids’ room to purge. Nope again! We went home, plopped on the couch and ate our greasy pizza and  chips.  We finished watching the movie that we fell asleep to Monday night and ended our night right there....on the couch.  I guess you can say we had a dorm-life kind of night. lol 2 days left!

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