Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The 10 things I learned my first year of being Natural

I've been natural for about a year and a half now. Before going natural I wore a cute, short relaxed hairstyle. Since my hair was already short I didn't do the "Big Chop" I transitioned. Transitioning was challenging. Dealing with two different hair types and textures, going from a short hair cut to longer was not easy to style. Trust me there were a lot of time I just wanted to call it quits and relax my hair. So glad I didn't! It's like they say, "I'm not where I want to be (just yet) but I'm certainly not where I used to be. I've learned a few things along the way that I HAVE to let you in on.

When you find something that works...stick with it! 
I've never been a product junkie, with anything actually. One of the first things I did when I started transitioning was go to a natural hair expo. I wanted to educate myself on being natural. I wanted to know what kinds of things would work best for me. What I should and should not put in my hair. The healthiest way to style it. Heat or not heat. There is so much information out there that it can get overwhelming. So when it came to finding what works for my hair I decided to start with the basics. Water and coconut oil. Lucky for me, my hair loved both so I have stuck with them and added a curling gel for my twist-outs. You may not be as lucky to find what your hair likes right off the back but keep trying. Your hair will tell you what it likes and doesn't like. Now I have tried other products out of curiosity but each time I went back to my originals. I learned that long as you find something that will moisturize and something that will seal the moisture you are on the right track.

Twists are my best friend
I have been blessed with super thick hair so whatever hairstyle I do it lasts for a good week or so. I've tried a lot of different hairstyles on my hair. Braid-outs, Updos and more but twist outs are always the most successful. Whether I do flat twists or two-strand twists they also get the most compliments. The way my hair curls at the ends with the moisture being all so present just flatters me most. I only found the best style for me by experimenting with a number of them. I always did my "test runs" on the weekends (God forbid I have a bad hair day at work). Yoututbe and Pinterest were great resources for when I was looking for a variety of hairstyles. 

 What works for others may not work for me
Like I mentioned above twist-outs are my featured natural hair style. I learned the hard way that I'm not a great candidate for wash-n-go's. My hair has such an attitude when I try it. I mean the shrinkage game is real. I'll leave the house with a nice full head of hair and in an hour I'm looking like a Chia Pet. My bestfriend can wash-n-go and work it! Everyone's hair is different so just like all hair cuts don't look good on everyone the same is true for some hair styles. In my opinion, like people, our hair has it's own personality. So everything may not work for you. Just find what does and WORK IT!

Bad hair days happen, scarves to the rescue 
During my transition I many bad hair days until I found styles to do with scarves! There are so many styles you can do with a scarf that you should never have a bad hair day! For those days you are trying a new style and it doesn't turn out right just alter it with a scarf. I have about 3 go-to scarf looks that will always come to my rescue. I usually carry one with me to the water park for after I am done swimming but not going straight home. I will also use a scarf if I have just washed and twisted my hair (I only air dry) and absolutely have to run out. I have always loved scarves and now I love them for a whole new reason!
Moisture, Moisture, Moisture
Ok since I was a little girl I was always very protective of my hair getting wet. I mean unless it was the day I was getting my hair washed I needed water to be a distance away. It was shower caps in the shower and swim caps in the pool! This was when I had a relaxer. Well that's not the case with my natural hair. The more moisture the better. I compare it t watering your plants. They need water to grow. If you keep your plants dry they get brittle and end up dying. Same with your natural hair. I can always tell when my hair needs more moisture. There are plenty of things you can moisturize your hair with. Water is the number one best moisturizer but in addition to that you can ask around or just do a little research to find what moisturizes best for you.  

Wash day schedule a must!
Wash Day is like an event. My hair is super thick so I can't just say "hey let me wash my hair". Nope, I have to actually plan it out. When I had a relaxer and my short hair cut I could literally get up before church, relax, wash, dry and style my hair within an hour. Those days are sooooo gone. I plan my wash days out. Since I don't use heat on my hair I allow my hair to air dry overnight so it has to be in the evening on a Friday or Saturday when I don't plan on going out. If it's during the day it has to be a day when I am not planning on leaving the house afterwards. I always eat before starting on my hair. That way I don't have to stop and eat. I also find a movie or show to watch while I'm twisting or braiding my hair. 

The more you put in the more you get out
You hear it all of the time in life "the more you put in the more you get out" and the same is true for my natural hair. Like I mentioned above my hair is super thick so when it's time for me to style it takes time. I know what I want it to look like in the end and sometimes that means taking the extra time to twist or braid smaller. I don't always feel like going through my whole moisturizing routine. Sometimes I wish I could just slap that Pink Lotion moisturizer I used to use in my relaxer days and go but taking out the time to spritz with water, add a moisturizer and seal with coconut oil proves to work wonders on my hair. Seeing the results of the extra time I'm taking on y hair is definitely time well spent.

Exclusive club!
I don't care what anyone says. Ever since I became a natural I've felt like I am in this exclusive club! It's true! When I'm out and about and see another naturals it's like we find each other. There is often and shared smile and look as to say "cute hair Curl-friend!" I love it. I love the respect we have for one another's decision to go natural and own it! Often times there is a compliment which then leads to tips. It's great.

Hubz love it!
Most ladies want their man to be on board with their "look" whether it's a hair style, hair color and hair cut we want our man to like it and boy does my husband love it. He liked it when I had a relaxer but he loooooves these curls and he makes it very clear. He likes to rub in my hair quite often and knows how not to "disturb my curls" LOL. Knowing that he is a huge fan makes me feel even more sexy in my natural hair. Going natural was a decision I made so that my daughter is able to see me and daddy embracing my natural hair. The boys see how their dad rubs through and compliments my hair and it teaches them to love and embrace it as well. She is the reason I decided to go natural. While I had no problems with my relaxer I didn't want her to think I had it because I didn't like my natural hair. I simply had it because I wanted it.

My true identity! 
I get to see the original design for ME! I was designed to have these soft, coily curls. The thickness of my tresses are on purpose. It's funny when people say "that hairstyle fits you". Well when you have your natural hair of course it fits you! It was sketched out that way. I remember when my best friend was trying to get me to go natural. I wasn't interested at the time and I would always say "I'm not going natural, it's just not me." What an ignorant comment for me to make. How is it NOT me? I am not one of those naturals that judge people who aren't. Nope, I don't call relaxers creamy crack and I don't stick my nose in the air like I'm better than. Because what we do with our hair is our business. I am proud of my hair and I absolutely love that I am natural. I love that I take great care of my hair. I love my natural!

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